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 かなり昔に作って、お気に入りだったけどうまく形にできないまま眠っていた曲。もともとは「ネオテニー」 というタイトルで、未熟なまま猛進し、未熟なまま燃え尽きていくのが人間てものなんじゃないだろうか?という思いが原点になっている。





"A song I made a long time ago, which I loved but left unfinished and it has been lying dormant. It was originally titled "Neoteny," and it reflects the thought that perhaps being human means to rush forward while immature and eventually burn out while still immature.

I, too, have lived a considerable amount of time since being born into this world. The age I thought would be more mature and grown-up compared to when I was a child now seems quite the opposite. Even now, I sometimes seriously consider things like blasting away mountains with a Kamehameha wave. I have started to think that the “grown-up” I envisioned back then might actually be a mere illusion, and it’s almost laughable how much I don’t seem to have become “grown-up” now.

Surely, no matter how old we get or how much experience we accumulate, we can never become the ideal “grown-up” we imagined as children. Instead, each day we update the old immature self into the latest version of immaturity.

Humans are always immature.

However, it is precisely because we are immature that we can continue to walk towards maturity at any age."


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