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そんな暑苦しいことを思いながら作った。例にもれずthe CROSSでやろうと思ったが、放送禁止用語が入っていた為、あえなく却下と相成った。無念。


"Every time I hear the phrase “because there are no precedents,” I wonder what productivity there is in merely following the path laid out by those who came before us. While the charm of "success in the past" can bring a great sense of security, if we get accustomed to this warm bath, eventually every day becomes just a repetition, a mere copy that deteriorates over time. Before we know it, the outside world will feel too cold, and we might find ourselves unable to leave that warm bath.

What does the past matter!

What’s important is now!

With these fervent thoughts, I created this song. I intended to do it with the usual the CROSS approach, but it was sadly rejected due to the inclusion of prohibited words. How regrettable.

By the way, this time it will be available in full only through paid distribution. As usual, only the first part is available on Soundcloud. Please listen to that first, and if you like it, I hope you’ll check out the full version as well."

※「from the CROSS]はお前の名前じゃねーだろ?と配信サイトから注意を受けたので、配信verのジャケットは色味や文字配置が若干異なっている。個人的には上記の文字配置や色味が良いと思っているので、HPではこちらを掲載している。


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